Toronto Life
Toronto Life for new moms: best places to visit in Toronto with kids, outdoor life and parks.
10 Reasons To Join Mommy Connections
It is no secret that I love mommy and me groups like Mommy Connections. I first joined their program when I was a new mom in Toronto, pretty clueless about everything. I ended up registering for and attending several sessions during…
Toronto Mall List
The winter is a great time to explore Toronto’s shopping malls, especially when your little one is too small for activities and it’s too cold to stay outside. This Toronto Malls list is especially useful if you are looking for the…
Mom of the Month: Meet Dawn
Let’s meet Dawn- our Mom of the month. She shares with us her favourite things about Motherhood in Toronto. Nice To Meet You You can call me: Dawn My Little Ones are:Ava, 2 Three strange or interesting things about my family are:My daughter…
Mom of the Month: Meet Liya
Let’s meet Liya- our Mom of the month. She shares with us her favourite things about Motherhood in Toronto. Nice To Meet You You can call me: Liya My Little Ones are: Ariel – 3 y.o and Yonatan – 2.5 months old Three…
Mom of the Month: Meet Ronit
Let’s meet Ronit- our Mom of the month. She shares with us her favourite things about Motherhood in Toronto. Nice To Meet You You can call me: Ronit (pronounced Ro-neat) My Little Ones are: Two kids; 3 yr old boy and 8-month-old girl…
Shopping at Costco for Baby Items
In my last few posts, I’ve been writing about topics that I get asked about the most from other moms. This one is no different. Many new moms ask me if buying from Costco will save them money on baby items.…
Mom of the Month: Meet Andrea
Nice to meet you! You can call me: Andrea My Little One is: Ethan Joseph, he is 5 months old. Three strange or interesting things about my family are: We watch all sports, we love chili, we are a mix…
Mom of the Month: Meet Jennifer
Nice to meet you! You can call me: Jennifer My Little One’s is: Nicholas 7 months old Three strange or interesting things about my family are: We’re big, Italian/Hungarian, we love wrestling My city and/or neighborhood is: Bolton The three…