Mom of the Month: Meet Reham
Blog Posts,  Mom of The Month

Mom of the Month: Meet Reham

Every Month I featured a new mom from Toronto and the GTA in my blog with an interesting story to share. Please help me welcome our new mom Reham.

Nice To Meet You

You can call me: Reham

My Little Ones are:
Mario – 13 months old

Three strange or interesting things about my family are:
Single mum, self-employed and new Canadian!!

My city and/or neighborhood is:

The three things that you need to know about me are:
I remain active and motivated regardless of any challenge.

The Coles Notes!

Hours of sleep

Stroller or carrier?

Breastfeeding or bottle?

Disposable or reusable diapers?

Condo, apartment, or house?

Car or TTC?

Languages I speak:
English, Arabic, Italian and FrenchBaby gear that I can’t live without:
The swing

Time flies when you’re being a mom

What I enjoyed the most about being on maternity leave was:
Going to the park with my baby

The best things that I do with my LO are:
Singing and playing

What I do when I take time for myself is:
Massages and going to the movie theatre

These are a few of my favourite things:

I love Toronto because:
My dreams are coming true

My favorite place in Toronto is:
TIFF light box and AGO

The website or app I can’t live without is:

I shop online at:

My favorite baby store is:
Toys are us

The best advice I’ve received so far is:
Appreciate what you have more than regretting what I don’t have

The best advice that I can give to new moms is:
Take it easy and do one thing at a time

Do you want to be our Mom of the Month?  Share your story with us and get $10 Amazon Gift Card!
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