Ontario's Catch Up Payments
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How to Apply for Ontario Catch-Up Payments

The government in Ontario offers financial support to help with the costs of your child’s tutoring, supplies or equipment during the 2022–23 school year. Here you can find a step-by-step guide on How to Apply for Ontario Catch-Up Payments. Let’s go.

Ontario’s Catch-Up Payments is a one-time funding of:

  • $200 for each student between kindergarten and Grade 12, up to age 18
  • $250 for each student with special education needs between kindergarten and Grade 12, up to age 21.

The deadline to apply is March 31, 2023, at 11:59 p.m.EST.
For more info about the funding and eligibility please visit the website

This is how you apply for Ontario Catch-Up payments

If you are eligible for Ontario Catch-Up Payments, you can follow these four simple steps to apply:

Step 1: Create your profile

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You’ll get an email with a verification code that you need to insert here

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Step 2: Provide information for each student for whom you are requesting Catch Up Payments

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Personal details of the child’s parent\ guardian :

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The child’s details :

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Step 3: Choose your method of payment

You will require to select your preferred method of payment. You can choose:

  • e-transfer
  • direct deposit
  • cheque

Step 4: Submit your application for the catch-up payment

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After you apply for catch-up payments

Within 1 to 5 business days, you’ll get an email confirming that your application was received. It will take a few weeks for you to receive your payment.

For more info visit the Ontario Government Website.

We hope you found this blog post helpful with how to apply for Ontario’s government catch-up payment.

DISCLAIMER: The information, text and images and other material contained on this page are for informational purposes only.

How to Apply for Ontario Catch-Up Payments
How to Apply for Ontario Catch-Up Payments

Noa Segal
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